星期日, 6月 15, 2003

常嚐成功 Taste of the Success

親愛的Ivy Tong:


您還記不記得Dr. Caroline Kwok?大約兩年前,她為您的District講Talk。我是她的下屬。我陪同她出席您公司的講座,所以我認識您和記得您你名字。我其實很偶然買到此書,因為上星期六,我陪同Dr.Kwok逛尖沙咀商務印書館,無意中見到此書,所以我昨天購買此書。


1. 您何時覺得有前途的行業有4種特徵?(P.36)
2. 我可否有您的工作記錄本sample?(P.34)
3. 當初入行,您抱持什麼信念和原則,到現在也沒有改變的?
4. 您每日做什麼使“可能思想”生長,才取得第1個Top Lady Agent獎項?(P.58)
5. 何時獲得兩本書“Think and Grow Rich”及“Three keys to succeed”?它們如何影響您的生命?(P.95)
6. 何時立下規矩“無論在何種情況下我絕不答應客戶的應酬要求,一切推銷活動必須在辦公地點完成”? 為什麼有此想法?(P.64)
7. 有沒有曾幾何時立志不清的時候想放棄此事業?
8. 那本書或幾本書對你的事業和人生觀有深遠的影響?.
9. 何時和為何有這想法“人生應該是怎樣的?(P.112)
10.在26年內,那種經歷 / 經驗對您最深刻?
12.在初入行時,擴展組織和做Senior District Director時。什麼是您最重要的習慣?


Gary Ng

Take a Millionaire to Lunch

One of my mentoring masters, Caroline, has given me a study manual about how to be a millionaire. It summarized from a book, "One Minute Milliionaire." I used it to interview a millionaire in person and by email. I asked him the questions and he gave me his response as follows:

Dear Gary ,
"The shortest and best way to make your fortune is to let people see clearly that it is in their interest to promote yours." (Jean de la Bruyere)
1. How did you make your first million?
Your answer: From Nu skin
2. How long did it take you?
Your answer: 5 Yrs
3. How long would it take you today?
Your answer: less than 5 yrs
4. What is the system that you used to make it?
Your answer: leveraging
5. Is this system transferable?
Your answer: yes
6. How long would it take you today to mentor somebody to your same level of Your success?
Your answer: less than a yr , if coachable
7. What would you recommend that I do to become a millionaire?
Your answer: be open mind , success is by no means an option , find the right horse
8. What's the most important lesson you ever learned?
Your answer: read , listen to success stories everyday
9. How do you integrate spiritual values into your life?
Your answer: find the vehicle that allows you to help other people success
10.What is the legacy you want to leave?
Your answer: help people understanding life is not just a money making machine ,

but to bring peace and happiness to others .
11.What's your most important habit?
Your answer: reading and exercise
12.What opportunities do you see that you don't have time to take advantage of?
Your answer: the opportunities which is less valuable than my present opportunities
